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Prepare for German exams

Detailed practice materials for listening, reading, writing & speaking, accessible and interactive as well.

The German Language Proficiency Test – TestDaF

TestDaF is an abbreviation for Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache. It is designed to assess your ability in German and is run by the independent TestDaF-Institut. It is also supported by the German Rectors’ Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz), German Academic Exchange Service, and the Goethe-Institut.

You might need to take this test if you want to study or work in a German university. All German universities recognize the TestDaF certificate, so if you need to take a German language proficiency test for academic purposes, TestDaF will be enough.

TestDaF Structure

The exam consists of four sections: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The total time for the whole test is 3 hours and 10 minutes, not including the breaks.

  1. The readingpart consists of 30 questions based on 3 texts of different levels.
  2. The listeningpart includes listening to 3 audio recordings and answering 25 questions.
  3. For the writingpart, you have to complete one written task – describe statistical data (usually a graph or a table) and then answer a question related to this data.
  4. The oralpart requires you to complete 7 different tasks to prove your ability to speak German in different situations related to the field of higher education.

The test is graded using 3 levels of language knowledge – TestDaF-Niveaustufe 3 (TDN 3), TestDaF-Niveaustufe 4 (TDN 4), and TestDaF-Niveaustufe 5 (TDN 5). TDN 3 and the lower half of TDN 4 correspond to the B2 level, and the upper half of TDN 4 and TDN 5 – to C1.

You can take the TestDaF in 450 test centers in 95 countries worldwide, usually local German and foreign universities, DAAD editorial offices, and Goethe-Institut. The fee varies depending on the country.

How to Prepare for TestDaF?

There are many online materials, sample tests, and tips for the examination available on the official website of TestDaF. There you can also take a placement test before taking the exam.

If you want some help during your preparation for the test, you can enroll in a TestDaF preparation course offered by official test centers or language schools – these are available both in Germany and in many foreign countries. You can find a list of such places on the website as well.

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